The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast
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Episode 306: Lab Interpretation Case Study: OAT, HTMA & DUTCH Test
We’ve spoken about the importance of clinical mentorship, but we’ve never given a sneak peek of what that looks like within the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy until today!
In this lab review session, Rachel Mistry, our Lead Practitioner at Team FN, supports an FNA student through analyzing functional lab tests whilst also taking into consideration the experiences and lifestyle of the patient. This case study reiterates our belief that treatment requires a whole body approach and is not one-size-fits-all.
Are you a practitioner interested in gaining more confidence and experience with functional lab testing? Enrollment into the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy spring cohort is open. There are limited seats available, so apply today!

Episode 244: Thyroid Dysfunction 101
Thyroid dysfunction affects approximately 28 million Americans–8 out of 10 of which are women. In fact, hypothyroid is so commonplace that Levothyroxine is consistently one of the top-prescribed drugs year after year. There are a lot of ways to support the thyroid before it gets to this point, so we have to ask ourselves WHY this issue is so common and how we can be proactive about achieving optimal thyroid health.
Like most other areas of our health, thyroid health is multifaceted, and there are plenty of possible causes for dysfunction. In under 60 minutes, Erin breaks down the symptoms of hypothyroid; the impact of root causes such as caloric restriction, liver health, and non-thyroid hormonal balance; things your conventional medicine practitioner might miss in lab results; and the relationship between the energetic body and the thyroid.

Episode 220: Hormone Lab Testing: A Non-Algorithmic Approach
On today’s episode Erin explains the approach she and the Funk’tional Nutritionist Team takes to health, healing, and hormone testing in our private practice and in Your Hormone Revival, our 3-month balancing program to revive adrenal, thyroid, and hormone health through root cause restoration. You’ll hear not just what kind of hormone testing we do, but also WHY we do it the way that we do, all while sprinkling in answers to a lot of your questions about hormone testing along the way. By the end you’ll understand the value of a provider who can not only look at lab markers, but also interpret what those lab markers mean in conjunction with one another, AND in conjunction with YOUR unique context.
Whether you’re looking to test your thyroid hormones, you’re wondering about your estrogen or progesterone levels, or perhaps you suspect something is up with your adrenals or cortisol, you’ll want to tune in to this episode! This also provides valuable information to practitioners who want to understand the true meaning of taking a functional, root cause approach to labs and supporting their clients.

Episode 208: Weight Loss: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know
A recurring theme on the show over the past month has been weight loss, and today’s episode is actually getting pulled from the archives because it’s SO relevant to the concepts discussed lately. It's an info-dense doozy that really speaks to the physical reasons your body might be holding onto weight or not be willing to release weight and things to consider before attempting weight loss.

Episode 207: Gallbladder, Bile, Gut Health & Hormones: What You Didn’t Know
When it comes to overall gut and hormonal health, the gallbladder is an unsung hero. It plays a crucial role not just in digestion and your ability to access nutrients in food, but also with detoxification and your hormone systems.
Unfortunately early gallbladder issues are often missed in conventional treatment, leading to the formation of gallstones and eventual gallbladder removal surgery. While there are certainly instances when gallbladder removal is necessary, removing the gallbladder typically doesn’t resolve the gallbladder issue. This is because it doesn’t address WHY the gallbladder issues arose in the first place. It’s not a root cause approach.
Today Erin packs an information-heavy episode all about the importance and roles of the gallbladder, bile production, and alerts you to some of the warning signs you may be having issues with your biliary tract. The purpose of sharing this is so you can not just take in this information and comprehend it, but to really take preventative measures BEFORE you get to the point of surgery.
If you deal with bloating, acid reflux, constipation, hormonal issues, thyroid issues, leaky gut, and particularly if you’re female (and over 40)… you’ll want to listen up!

A Special 200th Episode: How it Started, How it’s Going & Answering Other Listener Questions
Today on the show Erin celebrates some big podcast milestones: 200 episodes and 2 million downloads!! Tune in to reminisce with Erin and hear answers to a smorgasbord of listener questions ranging from career pivots (is it ever too late? How about with a baby?) to whether coffee enemas are actually beneficial (and how to do one properly!) She also covers questions about molecular mimicry with gluten and thyroid, detoxing mycotoxins, what you should know about binders and serves up thought provoking questions to ask yourself when healing feels like a struggle.

Episode 158: Thyroid Answers with Dr. Eric Balcavage
Get ready to learn in this beefy interview covering next-level topics on the thyroid. If you’re a practitioner, you may want to break out your notepad for this! Today Erin sits down with Dr. Eric Balcavage to discuss all things thyroid health, considerations for specific markers on thyroid panels, and looking beyond labs to change the way medicine looks at hypothyroidism.
If you’ve been struggling with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, this episode may provide some answers you haven’t gotten elsewhere. This episode is also beneficial for anyone with autoimmunity, not just hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: pay attention to what Dr. Balcavage says about the immune system, what starts the process, and how we can unravel that.

Episode 138: How Hormones Influence the Gut
The connection between your gut and hormones is intricate, and having a better understanding of it can make a big difference in your overall health. In this episode, Erin unpacks this tricky connection and answers questions surrounding not only which issue to address first, but also why. If you’re looking to make sustainable changes that have a long-term impact, this episode is definitely for you! Have a listen and share this episode with someone who suffers from GI and hormonal issues.

Episode 125: Thyroid Health, Gluten & Hashimoto’s
I talk a lot about functional lab testing and supplementation, but don’t underestimate the power of food! In this episode I discuss why a food-first approach matters so much not just in overall health, but also in determining stressors behind chronic issues (skin, digestion & gut health, inflammation, autoimmunity). I break down underlying stressors related to hypothyroidism, the link between gluten and Hashimoto’s and how taking a food-first approach with your health can make a big impact on your life.

Episode 66: Thyroid Health & Hashimoto’s with Dr. Becky Campbell
Dr. Becky Campbell is a board-certified doctor of natural medicine who specializes in Histamine Intolerance, Thyroid disease & Autoimmune disease. Listen in as I sit down with her to discuss thyroid health, thyroid testing, the #1 most effective thing you should do for your adrenals, Hashimoto’s, Low T3 Syndrome, HYPER-thyroidism, and more.

Episode 49: Why You Need to Test Your Thyroid (& How to Do It)
This episode is a must-listen for nutritionists and practitioners-to-be! I talk about the one social media experience that made me stop comparing, a recap for practitioners, why practitioners need to be okay with failing, thyroid health and brain health, systems in the body that thyroid affects, why testing TSH doesn’t cut it, the diet for Hashimoto’s, and thyroid labs you need.