Episode 191: The Histamine & Hormone Link with Rachel Mistry, MS, RDN

Erin sits down with Rachel Mistry, MS, RDN to discuss some common patterns they see working with clients in The Funk’tional Nutrition™ Clinic. Histamine issues seem to be more and more common - not only are we seeing it more in our practice, Erin received a TON of questions about histamine on Instagram. Because it’s such a big deal for clients and listeners, they wanted to bring this discussion to the show.

“How to figure out what’s causing my histamine intolerance?” seemed to be the million dollar question. While histamine issues can have a lot of contributing factors, Erin & Rachel are focusing on one today: HORMONES. Tune in to hear what histamines are, unexpected symptoms that histamines can cause, the histamine + hormone link, and some real life hormone / histamine case studies.

In this episode:

What are histamines, and do they only cause allergy symptoms? [5:59]

Histamine reactions that you might not be aware of [7:31]

Cyclical headaches, migraines, and cramping: is it a histamine thing? [11:40]

The real impact of high stress [12:30]

What a typical cycle looks like [15:00]

The histamine and hormone links [17:21]

Why estrogen needs to be in balance [18:40]

Strategies to help your hormonal balance (hint: test, don’t guess) [23:32]

The low histamine diet as a short term solution [25:40]

What a DUTCH test can show you [30:26]

How your home environment and beauty product routine can impact your endocrine system function [34:39]

Overall nervous system support and down regulation for hormonal health [36:51]

Real life hormone and histamine case studies [38:20]

Skin flares and eczema resolved by reducing histamines [38:31]

How hormones responding and reacting can be clues to root causes [40:02]

Resources mentioned:

Your Hormone Revival™ (Only available within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective)

Funk’tional Nutrition Academy

Bio-Kult Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15)

Organifi Supplement Powder (Save 20% on your order with code FUNK)

Learn More About Hormones

Related episodes:

165: Hormone Lab Testing, Estrogen Dominance & Balancing Hormones at Home

169: Chronic Stress & Breathwork Practices


Episode 192: Sustainable Strength Training with Nora Matthew


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