Your Hormone Revival™
A 3 month balancing program to revive adrenal, thyroid, and hormone health through root cause restoration.
Modern women put an insane amount of pressure on ourselves to look and perform a certain (perfect) way.
These impossible standards create a great deal of chronic, low-grade stress, which often goes unrealized because it’s so commonplace in today’s world. In other words, we don’t even acknowledge the stress.
We think we should be able to handle it all.
Unfortunately, this concealed pressure grinds down the neuroendocrine, digestive and immune systems overtime, leading to fatigue, hormonal issues, thyroid disorder, and autoimmunity.
Yet when we discuss our feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, burnout, brain fog, weight gain, bloating or aches and pains with our physicians, we’re often told EVERYTHING IS NORMAL:
It’s normal to skip your period sometimes.
Feeling tired is normal for a new mom.
Weight gain is normal in your 40s.
All labs look normal!
It’s maddening when your blood tests are normal, but your health isn’t.
We are left feeling invalidated, under-diagnosed, over-prescribed, more stressed, and like it’s all our fault.
This needs to stop.
Your symptoms are real. Your experience is valid. You deserve answers.
Let’s get them together.

There is just such a genuineness to Erin. She is so relatable and not preachy so it's easier to sit with the content she is sharing. Knowing she has gone through similar struggles with her health and as a mom was really comforting for me as I went through the program. The biggest lessons that I am taking away from Erin are: 1) My body is fighting like hell for me, 2) the power of meditation (Erin's meditations are absolutely incredible), 3) Blood sugar regulation is CRITICAL, 4) Newfound understanding of the breadth and depth of stress on my body (ie: stress is not just having a bad day), 5) Toxins in household products/cosmetics/etc are feeding my estrogen dominance (this was MINDBLOWING information for me). Thank you, thank you, thank you for this incredible program, for giving me a hope about wellness that I haven't had in so long, and for giving 1000% to all of us throughout this YHR journey.
YHR has been such a gift. I’ve been through some sh*t and the pain runs deep. I knew I had to deal with what I’d been through. So I did the work. I analyzed my journal entries, went to therapy, and wrote a book to process and learn from my experiences. I made sense of the madness and processed my grief—at least my brain did. But YHR taught me how my body absorbed the chaos. Breathwork brought seas of emotions, Yoga Nidra unearthed a need to feel safe and supported, and my labs showed more work to be done. I expected the functional and nutritional part of the program, which did not disappoint. But the EMOTIONAL part of the journey was an unexpected blessing. THANK YOU. Oh, and not to mention that at age 45, I FINALLY understand what it is like to be a woman. So, keep kicking ass, and don’t let anyone yuck your yum (my new favorite phrase).
This is YOUR Hormone Revival™
Better understand your female hormones.
Decode your mystery symptoms.
Learn the tools to support your nervous system.
Restore your energy once and for all.
This program is right for you if…
You feel like something is off, but all lab work looks “normal.”
You’re eating well, but still not feeling great.
You’re looking for a deeper understanding of your body.
You’re looking to optimize thyroid function, metabolism, hormonal balance, energy.
You want to know the right foods, lifestyle and supplements for you to feel your best.
You’re a mom and want to equip your daughters with information and empower them with body literacy.
You’re not a mom, but know you’d like to be in the future—and want to support your body’s fertility.
You’ve been listening to The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast and are interested in access to functional lab testing to take stock of your overall health.
You want a skilled professional to analyze your results and tell you exactly what they mean and what to do with them.
You know you need to get a handle on your health, but you’re not sure where to start.
THIS is the place to start!
This program is exactly where all our 1:1 clients should begin. Your Hormone Revival™ helps the brain regulate hormonal activity in your body, which then in turn influences everything else. So whether you’re coming to this program with digestive issues, autoimmunity, thyroid problems, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or hormonal issues like PCOS...it’s important to start here.
What You Get
Weekly Educational Modules
Videos, audios and transcripts so you can watch, listen or read depending on your learning style.
Easy-to-understand explanations of the most current and relevant information.
Food Plans & Recipes
Dietary Endocrinology: foods and nutrients specific to adrenal, thyroid and female hormonal health.
Hormone balancing herbs and botanicals, and when and how to use them.
Manifest Your Health™️ Sessions with Erin
Energy Medicine & Breathwork for Getting to the Root, Healing Self Expression & Your Emotional Body
Restorative Classes
Nervous system support is ground zero for hormone balance. Making time for this feels damn near impossible in modern day life, which is why YHR includes practices designed to put you in the frequency of optimal healing mode. These include breathwork, yoga nidra, reiki, guided meditation, kundalini and sound healing. All classes are recorded so you can watch & review anytime.
Functional Lab Testing
YHR offers an optional add-on of a DUTCH adrenal and hormone test for additional cost.
Comprehensive thyroid panel also available for additional cost, not offered outside the US or in NY, NJ and RI.

Erin’s Story
After giving birth to my daughter 9 years ago, I got very sick.
I thought I was living a healthy lifestyle—I was a nutritionist and a yoga teacher, I was eating all the right foods and doing all the right things to take care of myself.
I didn’t understand why I felt the way I did. I was ashamed, confused…and scared. I wasn’t getting any answers. I went to my doctors SO MANY TIMES and they kept telling me everything was normal. I was fine.
But deep down inside, I knew I wasn’t fine. I knew the fatigue, pain, brain fog, anxiety, sadness WASN’T NORMAL. So I kept digging—on my own.
It took me years of my own research and tens of thousands of dollars to figure out answers to my health problems and come up with solutions to healing. I don’t want that for you.
I’ve compiled all the information I wish I had back then to save you the time, energy, money and frustration of you doing it on your own.
Your Hormone Revival™ distills down all the research I’ve collected, all that I’ve learned in my clinical practice, plus the most effective tools to deliver one program with the most powerful information I wish all women had.
Why it’s so great:
It’s hard getting answers to your health concerns. Most women we speak with don’t know the appropriate labs to ask for, and if you do—you’re not sure where to get them or how to analyze them. This program offers functional lab add-ons at a discounted rate to test your adrenal, thyroid and hormone status, as well as hands-on guidance to help you understand your results and get you the answers you need.
Efficiency & Affordability
Healing can be expensive and time-consuming. This program cuts through the noise and delivers the most potent information so you don’t have to waste time and money searching on your own.
By providing the tools you need to navigate your personal healing journey, you will have the opportunity to tune into your internal guidance, with an added layer of support from your practitioner.*
* Practitioner support available through Lab Testing Add-On for additional cost
Health is a journey, and this program has helped me see how far I have come and provided me with the tools and understanding to take charge over my own health.
Such a great program. I feel so much more connected to myself and my body.
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have found you. I finally feel heard.
— Kristen, Pittsfield MA
Why get functional lab testing?
What do you do when your blood work is normal...but your health isn’t? We’re a big advocates for accurate functional testing to get a good picture of your health. Conventional medicine is geared toward providing care once a disease has taken hold. Even if you feel terrible, you are considered “healthy” until a disease manifests.
Functional medicine nutrition supports you from the standpoint of health, not disease. These functional labs help to decode your symptoms, assess risk and implement support BEFORE disease develops. One of the reasons this program was created is because so many of our clients didn’t have access to these functional tests—or if they did, they would pay hefty markups and didn’t have anyone to analyze them. These labs can provide clarity, answers and a more personalized approach.
Your Hormone Revival gives you access to functional lab testing for your hormones - for an additional (but affordable) cost.
3 Month Program
Each module is presented as a short video so you can easily digest the content. Audio recordings and transcripts are also included so you can watch, listen or read—depending on your unique learning style!
Month 1: Adrenals
Module #1: Modern Stress, Burnout & Adrenals
Module #2: Cortisol, DHEA & Adrenal Testing
Module #3: Causes of HPA Axis Dysregulation or Adrenal Fatigue
Module #4: Identifying Your Triggers
Module #1: Regulating Hormones through Diet
Module #2: Adrenal Superfoods
Module #3: Weaning the Caffeine
Module #4: Basic Supplement Support for Stress
Module #1: Circadian Rhythm & Sleep Hygiene
Module #2: Stress, Digestion & Gut Health
Module #1: Cortisol & Weight Loss
Module #2: Exercising with Adrenal Dysfunction
Master Class: Intuitive Eating & Healthy Body Image with Dr. Jillian Murphy
Month 2: Thyroid
Module #1: 30 Day Thyroid Detox & Hormone Reset
Module #2: The Thyroid-Liver Connection
Module #3: Deep Nutrition for Thyroid Health (Superfoods & Thyroid Anti-Nutrients to Avoid)
Module #1: Understanding Thyroid Physiology & Optimizing Metabolism
Module #2: Thyroid testing & Subclinical “Hidden” Thyroid Dysfunction
Module #3: Top 6 Patterns of Thyroid Dysfunction: Which One Are You?
Module #1: Adrenal-Thyroid Crossover
Module #2: Gut Health & Thyroid Connection (Infections, Leaky Gut, Food Sensitivities & Gluten)
Module #3: Hidden Infections & Environmental Toxicity
Module #4: How Your Hormones Affect Your Thyroid
Module #1: Hashimoto’s: The Autoimmune Side of Thyroid Disorders
Module #2: Regulating Your Immune System & Managing Autoimmunity
Module #3: Basic Supplement Support for Autoimmunity
Month 3: Female Hormones
Module #1: Cyclical Living
Module #2: Energetics of the 4 Phase Cycle
Module #3: Food as Medicine: Nutrient Cycling
Module #4: Hormone-Balancing Herbs & Botanicals
Module #1: Your Female Cycle
Module #2: Your Hormone Physiology 101
Module #3: Period Problems & Hormonal Imbalances
Module #4: Birth Control
Module #5: Hormones, Food Sensitivities & Leaky Gut
Module #6: Menopause & Peri-menopause
MASTERCLASS: Bone Health & Osteoporosis
Module #1: Estrogen Dominance Overview
Module #2: PMS, Histamine & Fibroids
Module #3: Endometriosis
Module #4: 3 Phases of Estrogen Detox
Module #5: The Guide to Better Poop
Master Class: Creating a Non-toxic Home
Module #1: Testosterone, DHEA & Androgen Pathways
Module #2: Blood sugar & Insulin Resistance
Module #3: Different types of PCOS
Bonus Material Presented By
Le’Nise Brothers
Dr. Jillian Murphy
Berrion Berry
Dr. Cristin Zaimes
Jessica Flanigan
Leah Levitan
YHR offers access to 1:1 lab analyzation & clinical support with a member of our practitioner team for an additional cost.
Our practitioners have supported hundreds of women on their health journey to balance their hormones.
You will be scheduling a 1:1 60 minute appointment to go over your health history, DUTCH test, thyroid panel (if applicable) with a practitioner. Our team will answer all your questions, and make specific and personalized recommendations based on your lab findings.
This appointment will be recorded — previous YHR participants have shared that they love referring back to the recording!
“I listened to our 1 on 1 session again, I am happy it was recorded because there is so much good information there, thank you!”
These classes are evidence-based therapeutic practices presented by experts as additional material.
Nervous system support is ground zero for hormone balance.
Making time for this feels damn near impossible in modern day life, which is why YHR includes practices designed to put you in the frequency of optimal healing mode. These include breathwork, yoga nidra, reiki, guided meditation, kundalini and TRE (trauma release exercises).
Note: All classes rare in video format so you can watch and review anytime.
Lifestyle change is the hardest thing to do...but it’s also the most effective, accounting for roughly 80% of your overall results.
The goal is to present you with multiple healing modalities so by the end of the program you will have found a practice that resonates with YOU.
When life starts to get crazy again (and it will) or health issues flare up, you’ll have a whole tool chest of practices to draw from.
The reason this program is 3 months (as opposed to say, 6 weeks), is because it takes AT LEAST 3 months to start to revive and restore hormonal balance. The modern quick fix mentality has not served our health—or our expectations—well.
Unpacking years of imbalance takes time. So give yourself some grace and patience throughout this process! (Not something we’re often encouraged to do in our society—so there will be plenty of reminders throughout YHR!)
If you’re feeling lousy, we completely understand the eagerness to start feeling better STAT.
Here are some factors that can influence the length of time it might take you to start feeling better:
How long you’ve been experiencing symptoms (A month? A year? A decade?)
Severity of symptoms & body imbalances
Concomitant disease states
Emotional distress
Program compliance (there’s a “you get out of it what you put into it” type of vibe here. Are you willing to make dietary changes as needed? Lifestyle changes? Increase or decrease movement based on needs? Implement lifestyle medicine practices? Take nutritional compounds, etc.)
DUTCH Plus and YHR Thyroid Panel results can provide clarity, answers and a more personalized approach to hasten progress.
Food stress, food restriction, food fear, disordered thought patterns or behaviors around food can all actually lead to adrenal, thyroid, and hormonal imbalance overtime. It’s quite common for women, in fact.
There will be NO counting calories, weighing or portioning food. There WILL be specific food suggestions—including nutrients to focus on, foods to include, meal timing suggestions + even foods to remove. But they are just that—suggestions. And not all suggestions will apply to you. The program will outline what to focus on based on your labs, symptoms and conditions. But ultimately your body knows best, and your needs trump the suggestions of this program.
There is an *optional* 30 Day Thyroid-Liver Detox during month 2 *if* it’s appropriate for you. This food plan decreases inflammatory responses, removes the most common food antigens/triggers, regulates blood sugar + provides all the nutrients for detox support and hormone building blocks.
If it feels too restrictive, don’t worry about removing or avoiding any foods. Instead, focus on the foods to include—you can load up on the good stuff:
Foods to Support Hormone Balance
Adrenal & Thyroid Super-Nutrients
Estrogen Detox Foods
Hormone-Balancing Herbs & Botanicals
The food plans outlined in Your Hormone Revival™ are designed to be health-supportive. And for some people, that means flexible.
The Gut-Adrenals/Hormones thing is a tricky one. Because it's hard (if not impossible) to "heal the gut" until you've restored adrenals and hormonal balance....but it's tricky to restore balance to the hormones without addressing dysfunction in your gut. Any type of gut infection or inflammation is a stressor to the adrenals/HPA axis.
When working with 1:1 clients, we have to assess where do we start? 90-100% of the time, it's starting with the adrenals. We have not seen good clinical outcomes the other way around. That is why we typically spend about 2 months trying to restore adrenal function with my clients before even addressing their gut issues.
That's part of the reason why Erin created the Your Hormone Revival™ method—this is the 12 week process that we wish all our 1:1 clients would go through FIRST, because it lays the foundation for healing in the body. Going through this program will help clients achieve quicker results when trying to address gut health, autoimmunity and mystery symptoms.
YHR is not designed for someone who is pregnant. We invite you to sign up at a later date! If you become pregnant during the program, we have special instructions and accommodations available to help you continue.
Because of the way breastfeeding impacts hormone lab results, YHR is not recommended for you if you are currently breastfeeding and plan to purchase the lab testing add-on. To get fully accurate results on the DUTCH test, it must be taken 3 menstrual cycles from the time you discontinue breastfeeding. If you have finished breastfeeding recently, please reach out to us directly and we can help you with the timeline of when to complete your labs!
Yes! YHR is a great place to help with hormone balancing needs that can come with peri/post menopause, as well as preventing those potential imbalances.

Get Inspired
Investment Breakdown
Your Hormone Revival™ offers all the information Erin wishes she had, before investing tens of thousands of dollars into “figuring out her health.” She’s distilled down all the research she collected and all that she’s learned in her clinical practice to deliver one program with the most powerful information she wishes all women had—all at a fraction of the cost of you doing it on your own.
This program is valued at nearly $4000.
Workshops & breathwork sessions taught by Erin | $800 value
Restorative classes | $400 value
Bonus: Boundaries Course | $222 value
Over 20 hours of curated material & educational modules | $2500 value
Your Hormone Revival™ process is valued at $3,922
but you can receive it for free in The Funk’tional Nutrition Collective
Join Your Hormone Revival™
Your symptoms are real. Your experience is valid. You deserve answers. Take the first step toward better health.